
The Px
Talent Network.

A powerful, collaborative community for tech and design professionals

about us

Proximity was born with the mission to unite the brightest minds globally, empowering them to unleash their full potential. Over the past 5 years, our fleet of Proxonauts has exploded across 25 cities and 4 countries. We want to turn connections into tangible opportunities that have extraordinary outcomes for you.


Your questions, answered

Who is Px Talent Network for?

Tech and design professionals looking to elevate their careers and expand their horizons.

How does Px differ from other networks?

We focus on meaningful connections that spark innovation, not just adding contacts.

Can I share my expertise with the community?

Your insights and experiences are what make our community thrive.

Handpicked React talent for your team!
Handpicked Gen AI talent for your team!
Handpicked Design talent for your team!